Arts Garden

Roseville, MN

Arts Garden is a 501(c)(3) non-profit theatre organization in the Twin Cities MN that offers theatre and community events for people of all experience levels.

“I LOVE working with Arts Garden! It is such an inclusive and supportive environment that allows people to create and develop their talents in a judgement-free environment.
Arts Garden provides amazing opportunities for performers of all experience levels!”

Anonymous actor, Twelfth Night (2024)

Kati Hoehl, director (middle) standing with Alices (from left to right, Annie O'Neill, Molly O'Connor, Kari Grundmeier, Grace Walker) in Alice in Wonderland (2021). Photo credit: Craig Vinson

Who are we?

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit theatre company in the Twin Cities that is passionate about giving people of all experience levels an opportunity to perform in a time frame that fits into their schedules.

Live theatre is a powerful way to connect people.
The performers and audience interact with each other to bring about an entire range of emotions that tell a story. We deeply value creating this kind of community together!

Arts Garden encourages people from all walks of life to flourish through experiences in and exposure to the arts by providing opportunities for people of all experience levels to participate in a theatre production. Our desire is to provide a theatre experience accessible to all in a fun, welcoming setting, whether from the audience, on stage, or behind the scenes. We aim to introduce and educate our audiences and cast members on older, classic, often literature-based works in addition to contemporary selections.

“Your commitment to having quality performances keeps me coming back. I also treasure the way each cast works together and helps one another.”

Anonymous actor, Twelfth Night (2024)

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